John J. Barron, PharmD


Principal Scientist


John J. Barron, PharmD, Principal Scientist at Carelon Research, provides guidance on research studies on clinical topics of relevance to health plan decision makers, life science companies, and government agencies. He has developed keen insight into the types of data and information that health plans use in their treatment coverage decision making. 

Dr. Barron specializes in health services and outcomes research, focusing on clinical and economic analyses using large managed care administrative data sets along with clinical data from electronic medical records, Elevance Health’s Cancer Care Quality Program, disease registries, patient-reported outcomes, and pragmatic study designs. As author of a clinical textbook chapter and numerous peer-reviewed articles, including articles in JAMA, JAMA Oncology, PLOS ONE, Journal of Clinical Oncology and the American Journal of Managed Care, Dr. Barron has presented his research findings at conferences nationally and internationally. He has extensive experience conducting research in oncology, cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, and immunology conditions. 

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